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Information for tables that have completed loading

This section displays a table with information for each of the completed tables. To view this table, click the Completed bar, shown in the figure below.

Completed Tables Status chart

Completed Tables Status

The information is displayed in a table that has the following columns:

  • Table name: The names of the source tables that have completed loading.
  • Loaded On: The time that Replicate started loading the table records to the target.
  • Transferred Count: The number of records loaded to the target.

    Information note

    When filters are applied to source tables, the number shown in this column will reflect the total number of records before the include/exclude filter was applied. Consequently, the "Transferred Count" number may be higher than the actual number of records that were replicated to the target.

  • Transferred Volume: The volume of the records including Replicate metadata (in MB) loaded to the target.

    Information noteAs the calculated target data volume includes the Replicate metadata (table_id, stream_position, flags, bookmarks, and so on), the source data volume will always be less than the target data volume.
  • Load Duration: The amount of time that it took for all records to load to the target.
  • Throughput Records: The average throughput rate for the table. Throughput describes the number of records read per second.

    For more information on throughput, see Monitoring throughput in a Full Load operation.

  • Throughput Volume: The average throughput rate for the table. Throughput is the volume of records (in KB) read per second. Note that the transferred volume (see above) directly impacts the average throughput volume.

    For more information on throughput, see Monitoring throughput in a Full Load operation.

  • Reload: Click the Reload icon to reload the data for selected tables and run the full-load operation again.

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